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Emily Law (ST. Emilyart)
羅肇婷 「聿亭」
Hong Kong
Acrylic & Oil Painting / Ink & Colour Painting / Mixed Media
Emily Law graduated from the Honor Degree of Engineering and later completed the Advanced Diploma in Western Art from (CUSCS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is apprenticing under Dr. Chui Pui Chee, Mr. Foo Sai Heng and Ms. Pau Mo Ching to learn Chinese painting and calligraphy. Emily Law is a multi-media artist in Hong Kong and loves to use different media and forms for her creation. She has trained both in western and Chinese art. Her cultural knowledge depicts feelings through her artwork. Her creations presented in combination with realistic and abstract concepts. She is a co-founder of the charity art group "Serendipity" formed in 2015 in Hong Kong and now she is the secretary of the association.
羅肇婷於工程學院榮譽學位畢業,及後完成香港中文大學專業進修學院西方藝術高等文憑課程, 跟隨徐沛之老師, 傅世亨老師及鮑慕貞老師學習中國水墨畫及書法。 是一位多元創作的香港藝術家,喜歡以不同的媒介及形式創作藝術,深受西方及中國藝術的訓練,致力於中西藝術共融通過藝術創作,並結合現實和抽象概念融入作品中。羅肇婷是於2015年成立的香港慈善藝術畫會「隨意雅聚」的創會人之一,現為該會秘書