展覽經驗 Participated Exhibitions
⬧ 第九屆白盒之友會員作品展,香港賽馬會創意藝術中心
⬧ 四維彩墨成立22周年會員作品展,香港大會堂低座
⬧ 香港美術協會會員作品展,香港中央圖書
⬧ 「薈萃。豐盛」當代畫展,香港文化中心
⬧ 香港美術研究會41周年會員展,香港大會堂低座展覽廳
⬧ 彩之墨書畫會會員作品展2024, 香港文化中心
⬧ 興會藝聚聯展, 香港視覺藝術中心
⬧ 靈糧共享第四回基督徒藝術名家邀請展, 灣仔國華商業大廈,香港
⬧ 覺藝美術學會第二十四屆會員作品展, 香港文化中心
⬧ 「合奏」第八屆白盒之友會員作品展, 香港賽馬會創意藝術中心
⬧ 「獅島香江筆墨情」星加坡香港書畫交流展
⬧ 基督徒合一藝術邀請展「愛。護。天父世界」,明愛專上學院
⬧ 多倫多穆睦藝術作品交流展,大多倫多中華文化中心
⬧ 「彩虹相遇」中西區邀請展
⬧ 「靈糧共享第三回」,基督徒藝術名家邀請展
⬧ 香港美術研究會41周年會員展,香港大會堂低座展覽廳
⬧ 香港廈門聯誼總會邀請展,香港中央圖書館
⬧ 國際文化旅遊及非物質文化遺產展覽會,機場亞洲博覽會
⬧ 亞細亞美術招待邀請展,首爾,韓國
⬧ 覺藝美術學會第二十三屆會員作品展,尖沙咀文化中心,香港
⬧ 「愛之言業」畫展,度咖啡洒吧,香港
⬧ 慶節聖像畫展, 度咖啡洒吧,香港
⬧ 訪古講古JCCAC藝術節 (擺渡),香港賽馬會創意藝術中心
⬧ 彩之墨書畫會會員作品展2022,香港文化中心
⬧ 第29屆荃灣藝術節書畫展覽及工作圬,彩之墨晝畫會協辦,荃灣大會堂展覽館
⬧ 春華秋實-四維彩墨成立20周年會員作品展,香港大會堂低座
⬧ 首爾國際美術祭(SIAF展) 邀請展, 韓國首爾
⬧ 香港美術研究會周年會員展,香港中央圖書館展覽館
⬧ 「合奏」,第七屆白盒之友會員作品展,香港賽馬會創意藝術中心
⬧ [靈糧共享]第二回基督徒藝術名家邀請展,香港視覺藝術中心
⬧ [人間]藝術作品展,意大利米蘭維亞法里尼藝術中心
⬧ 首爾亞細亞美術邀請展,韓國美術館
⬧ 新藝潮畫廊「虎中作樂」邀請開心年畫展,新藝潮畫廊,香港
⬧ 「相遇」 -中西繪畫邀請展,香港大會堂低座
⬧ 彭靜君「鹽和光」個人慈善畫展,度咖啡洒吧,香港
⬧ 韓中日文化協力美術祭 2021,首爾,韓國
⬧ 第四屆新藝潮博覽會,香港逸蘭銅鑼灣洒店
⬧ 「活。彩」六人畫展, 香港視覺藝術中心
⬧ 唯美畫會韋勁敏師生畫展, 大會堂低座
⬧ 聖像畫探秘慶節, 艾斯德爾修女與香港學員聖像畫書,靈光天地有幸得艾斯德爾修女的支持,聯繫英國百福省之和平之后特維修道院和英國聖像畫協會,三個機構聯手合作出版
⬧ 新藝潮 +VE/-VE 畫展,觀塘一新展覽館
⬧ 「彩墨印象」,四維水彩墨會員作品展,香港大會堂高座
⬧ 第三屆新藝潮博覽會,元創方,香港
⬧ Sister Esther 師生聖像畫展,香港聖母聖衣天主教堂
⬧ 利美畫苑師生展, 香港中央圖書館
⬧ 「心彩墨」,四維水彩墨會員作品展,四維彩墨畫會成立15周年會員畫展,W酒店
⬧ 「水墨彩」,四維水彩墨會員作品展,香港大會堂高座
⬧ 翰緣雅集師生展,香港文化中心
⬧ 翰緣雅集師生展,香港文化中心
⬧ 荃灣葵青居民聯會書畫班作品展, 香港荃灣大會堂
⬧ The 9th Art Exhibition of White Box Friends Art Exhibition, JCCAC, Hong Kong
⬧ Artwork Exhibition for the 22nd Anniversary of The 4-D Art Club, Lower Block City Hall Hong Kong
⬧ The Hong Kong Artists Association Members Exhibition, Central Library Exhibition Halls, Hong Kong
⬧ Convergence and Divergence Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
⬧ 42nd Annual Exhibition of the Hong Kong Art Researching Association, Hong Kong City Hall Lower Block
⬧ Beauty of Art Club Members Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
⬧ Group Exhibition, Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong
⬧ Bread of Life (4th Series) – Famous Christians Artists Invitation Art Exhibition
⬧ The 24th Annual Exhibition of the Art Sense Club, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
⬧ Symphony – The 8th Art Exhibition of White Box Friends Art Exhibition, JCCAC, Hong Kong
⬧ Singapore and Hong Kong Joint Exhibition of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 2023, Chui Huay Lim Club Exhibition Hall, Singapore
⬧ Harmontree Art Works Exchange Exhibition, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Totonto, Dr. Him Shiu Hung, Art Gallery, Canada
⬧ Christians Ecumenical Art Invitation Exhibition 2023
⬧ Encountering Rainbow in Chinese and Western Districts Invitation Exhibition
⬧ Bread of Life (3rd Series) – Famous Christians Artists Invitation Art Exhibition
⬧ 41st Annual Exhibition of the Hong Kong Art Researching Association, Hong Kong City Hall Lower Block
⬧ International Culture, Tourism & Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Hong Kong AsiaWorld Expo
⬧ The General Association of Xiamen (H.K.) Ltd. Invitation Exhibition, Hong Kong Central Library Exhibition Halls
⬧ Asia Invitation Art Exhibition in Seoul Korea 2023
⬧ The 23rd Annual Exhibition of the Art Sense Club, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong
⬧ “Love Message” Exhibition, Beyond Cafe and Bar, Hong Kong
⬧ Feast Days Icons Exhibition, Beyond Cafe and Bar, Hong Kong
⬧ Classics Reinvented, JCCAC Art Festival 2022 Featured Exhibition, Hong Kong
⬧ Beauty of Art Club Members Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong
⬧ The 29th Tsuen Wan Art Festival Exhibition and Workshop, Tsuen Wan City Hall Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong
⬧ Attainments – Artwork Exhibition for the 20th Anniversary of The 4-D Art Club, Lower Block City Hall Hong Kong
⬧ 2022 Seoul International Art Festival Invitation Exhibition Maru Art Centre, Seoul, Korea
⬧ Hong Kong Art Researching Association Exhibition, Central Library Exhibition Halls, Hong Kong
⬧ Symphony – The 7th Art Exhibition of White Box Friends, JCCAC, Hong Kong
⬧ Bread Of Life (2nd Series) – Famous Christians Invitation Art Exhibition, The Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong
⬧ Human Realm Art Exhibition, Viafarini, Milan, Italy
⬧ Asia Invitation Art Exhibition in Seoul 2022, Korea
⬧ Art Next Auspicious Chinese New Year Invitation Exhibition, Art Next Gallery, Hong Kong
⬧ Encountering – Chinese And Western Painting Exhibition Invitation, Hong Kong City Hall Lower Block Exhibition Hall
⬧ Elizabeth Pang Solo Charity Exhibition – Salt and Light, Beyond Coffee and Bar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong,
⬧ Korea China Japan Culture Cooperation Art Festival 2021, Seoul Korea
⬧ 2021 Art Next Expo, Lanson Place Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
⬧ Vitality 。Vibrancy, The Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong
⬧ Wai Mei Wai Keman Teacher and Students joint exhibition, City Hall, Hong Kong
⬧ "Exploring Icons with HK Students - Feast Days" Icon painting, book published by Bon Fire World, Our Lady of Peace Turvey Abbey, Bedfordshire and British Association of Iconograph
⬧ Art Next +VE/-VE Exhibition, SML Tower, Hong Kong and on internet for one year
⬧ Evocation ~ creating an image Exhibition by the 4-D Art Club, City Hall, Hong Kong
⬧ 2019 Art Next Expo, PMQ, Hong Kong
⬧ Exhibition of the Exploring Icons with HK students and Sister Esther, OSB, Our Lady of Carmel Catholic Church
⬧ Lei Mei Art Club Exhibition, Central Library, Hong Kong
⬧ Splashing Colours from our Hearts, The 15th Anniversary of the 4-D Art Club, W Hotel, Hong Kong
⬧ Fusion Extravaganza - 4D Art Club, City Hall, Hong Kong
⬧ The Exhibition of Linking Art Association, Cultural Centre, HK
⬧ The Exhibition of Linking Art Association, Cultural Centre, HK
⬧ Tsuen Wan Kwai Tsing Joint Exhibition, City Hall Tsuen Wan, HK