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Elizabeth Pang


Hong Kong / Canada
Chinese Ink and Colour Painting / Religious Painting / Icon Painting / Acrylic and Oil Painting

彭靜君生於香港,是一位土生土長的本地畫家。有幸師從多位著名大師:胡宇基老師、林天行老師、孔慶藝老師、韋勁敏老師、沈平老師、吳觀麟老師、黃家偉老師、陳成球老師及 廖井梅老師等學習書法、中國水墨畫、油畫、丙烯、水彩、素描、現代水墨及人體寫生創作等等。曾修讀香港大學專業進修學院現代水墨技巧(一) & (二), 進階 創意人體寫生等多個課程。作品在香港, 韓國, 意大利, 加拿大及星加坡等地展出。作品【雪山】入選2019年度大華銀行水墨藝術獎最後入圍名單,另外,【曙光】及【此時此刻】也入選2019第三屆新藝潮博覽會。【天地人共融】和【紊亂】入選 新藝潮 + VE/-VE 展覽。作品【 鹽和光】, 【 生命力二】, 【 緣】和【寧靜】 入選2021第四屆新藝潮博覽會。

現在是「香港美協」、「四維彩墨」、「白盒之友」、「香港美術研究會」、「彩之墨書畫會」、「覺藝畫會」、「英國聖像畫會」 等會的會員 及「聖像畫研習社(HK)」榮譽會员。

Born and raised in Hong Kong, the artist ELIZABETH PANG honed her skills under the renowned Chinese ink masters Wo Yue Kee, Lam Tian Xing and Wai Keman. Throughout her decades-long career, Pang has exhibited her work across Asia and internationally, participating in solo and group shows in Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Canada and Italy, amongst others. Her ethereal and emotive paintings, which draw inspiration from our ever-shifting environment, have been widely recognised. Pang was a finalist for the prestigious 2019 UOB Ink Art Award and shortlisted at both the 2019 and 2021 Art Next Expos in Hong Kong. She is currently a member of the Hong Kong Artists Association, the 4-D Art Club, and the British Association of Iconography.
An inherent appreciation for nature encourages Pang to explore our relationship with the earth through her work. She believes that tree rings, like human fingerprints, are indelible marks of life’s evolution, and that both the fragrant resin secreted within a tree’s trunk and the scars of past damage ought to be equally admired. Similarly, every individual’s journey through this world will combine periods of ease and strife, harmony and loss, with every moment to be valued as distinct.

Currently, Elizabeth is a member of The Hong Kong Artists Association, The 4-D Art Club, The White Box Friends Art Club, The Hong Kong Art Researching Association, The Beauty of Art Club and The Art Sense Club, and The British Association of Iconographers and a honorable member of the Association of Iconography Study (HK) .

創作理念 Statement of Artist 彭靜君從小便喜愛大自然,大自然的一草一木成為她的創作靈感,她擁有宗教信仰,熱愛生命也熱愛萬物的主宰所創造的大自然,希望通過作品探討人生和大自然。靜君初期的作品主題為【點滴人生】,她用純樸自然的感覺,抽象的方式繪畫出一個個人生的故事及生命中重要的時刻,期望透過作品令觀眾反思自己生命中的點滴,從而明白每人都擁有的都是一個既實在而又帶變幻的獨特人生, 木的年輪是生命的印記包含著永不磨滅的生命力。【堅毅人生】系列, 人生猶如樹木的年輪,它記錄了人生命過程中留下的印記,這印記可以是藏於樹幹中芬芳的樹脂,也可以是蟲蛀的疤痕,人生中有喜也有憂,互相纒繞,不可分割,人生路有平坦,又或有崎嶇和險峻,我們始終也要走過,無論最終能否到達目的地,完成自己的夢想,這已不重要了,只要回頭一看,能為自己行過的路,引以為榮,感到驕傲的話,就是懂得欣賞自己的生命。【璀璨人生】系列表達經過失望,挑戰,順境,逆境和誘惑的人生經歷,我們對自己更了解,變得更美好的今天,珍惜各種境遇,讓生命呈現最美的狀態 ! 而【鹽和光】系列, 靜君是想表達我們要作世上的鹽和光,鹽可增添食物的味道,又可作淨化劑及防腐劑,令食物食用期延長,它也是肥料的成份,幫助植物生長,喻意是我們要影响別人, 用愛去關懷和服務他人。光代表智慧,警醒和知識,燈光不是放在桌下, 而是放在桌上照明整屋,作為基督徒,要福傳和作見証,令有需要的人不單物質上得到幫助,更在心靈上找到平安,希望我們可以藉生命影响生命,讓世界變得更美好!而最近創作的【創世紀】系列,靜君讚美創物主,祂是大能和滿有恩典的天主。祂樂意祝福每個生命,祂既用祂的能力解決整個宇宙的問題,更何況我們生命的問題呢? 天主將祂的屬性放在我們心裡,好叫我們能尋找人生的目的和意義。我們要尊重生命,更要明白我們的身份。天主肯定我們的身份,我們在祂眼中是最尊貴的,因此祂派我們管理地上的一切, 我們要保育大自然, 珍惜和愛護所有的生命. Elizabeth is a Catholic. She has been attracted to Mother Nature since she was young, she is passionate about all living things created by God. Flowers, trees, leaves and tree rings are inspirations of her artwork. There are many different series of her paintings, such as "Life Stories" where Elizabeth abstractly portrays the simple, natural feelings and the important periods of the stories of her life. She hopes that viewers can reflect on their own lives as each one of us has a unique experience. "Shining Days" series illustrate that through the ups and downs, challenges, frustrations and temptations of our lives, we understand ourselves better, nature teaches us to accept the imperfections through continuous attempts, such as how trees survive from forest fires. We should cherish every moment of life for it is the journey that makes life beautiful. "Challenging Days" are series that illustrate challenging experiences. Tree rings for example, leave trails of memories - good memories like the good scent of tree resins and bad memories like the scars made by insects on the tree trunks. Our lives have up and downs, happiness and sadness, these emotions interact at all times and cannot be separated. No matter whether we have achieved our goals or dreams or not, we should be proud of our footsteps when we look back at all the difficulties that we have gone through, this is how we should appreciate lives! For the series of "Salt and Light". Jesus asked us to be the salt and light of this world. Salt is used to enhance the taste of food, it also serves as a preservative, so that the food can be eaten for a longer period of time. Salt is also a fertilizer for the plant to grow too. This means that we should influence others, we should unconditionally love and serve the poor by doing good deeds, especially during the pandemic. Light should not be put under the table, it should be put on the table to lighten up every corner of the house. Light represents wisdom, awareness, knowledge and understanding. We as Christians, should preach that Jesus died on the cross to save us, he is risen and will come again to judge the living and the dead. We should preach God's word so that more souls can be saved. We should make the world a better place by loving and serving each other.
展覽經驗 Participated Exhibitions  2024  ⬧ 第九屆白盒之友會員作品展,香港賽馬會創意藝術中心  ⬧ 四維彩墨成立22周年會員作品展,香港大會堂低座  ⬧ 香港美術協會會員作品展,香港中央圖書  ⬧ 「薈萃。豐盛」當代畫展,香港文化中心  ⬧ 香港美術研究會41周年會員展,香港大會堂低座展覽廳  ⬧ 彩之墨書畫會會員作品展2024, 香港文化中心  ⬧ 興會藝聚聯展, 香港視覺藝術中心  ⬧ 靈糧共享第四回基督徒藝術名家邀請展, 灣仔國華商業大廈,香港  ⬧ 覺藝美術學會第二十四屆會員作品展, 香港文化中心  2023  ⬧ 「合奏」第八屆白盒之友會員作品展, 香港賽馬會創意藝術中心  ⬧ 「獅島香江筆墨情」星加坡香港書畫交流展  ⬧ 基督徒合一藝術邀請展「愛。護。天父世界」,明愛專上學院  ⬧ 多倫多穆睦藝術作品交流展,大多倫多中華文化中心  ⬧ 「彩虹相遇」中西區邀請展  ⬧ 「靈糧共享第三回」,基督徒藝術名家邀請展  ⬧ 香港美術研究會41周年會員展,香港大會堂低座展覽廳  ⬧ 香港廈門聯誼總會邀請展,香港中央圖書館  ⬧ 國際文化旅遊及非物質文化遺產展覽會,機場亞洲博覽會  ⬧ 亞細亞美術招待邀請展,首爾,韓國  ⬧ 覺藝美術學會第二十三屆會員作品展,尖沙咀文化中心,香港  ⬧ 「愛之言業」畫展,度咖啡洒吧,香港  2022  ⬧ 慶節聖像畫展, 度咖啡洒吧,香港  ⬧ 訪古講古JCCAC藝術節 (擺渡),香港賽馬會創意藝術中心  ⬧ 彩之墨書畫會會員作品展2022,香港文化中心  ⬧ 第29屆荃灣藝術節書畫展覽及工作圬,彩之墨晝畫會協辦,荃灣大會堂展覽館  ⬧ 春華秋實-四維彩墨成立20周年會員作品展,香港大會堂低座  ⬧ 首爾國際美術祭(SIAF展) 邀請展, 韓國首爾  ⬧ 香港美術研究會周年會員展,香港中央圖書館展覽館  ⬧ 「合奏」,第七屆白盒之友會員作品展,香港賽馬會創意藝術中心  ⬧ [靈糧共享]第二回基督徒藝術名家邀請展,香港視覺藝術中心  ⬧ [人間]藝術作品展,意大利米蘭維亞法里尼藝術中心  ⬧ 首爾亞細亞美術邀請展,韓國美術館  ⬧ 新藝潮畫廊「虎中作樂」邀請開心年畫展,新藝潮畫廊,香港  ⬧ 「相遇」 -中西繪畫邀請展,香港大會堂低座  2021  ⬧ 彭靜君「鹽和光」個人慈善畫展,度咖啡洒吧,香港  ⬧ 韓中日文化協力美術祭 2021,首爾,韓國  ⬧ 第四屆新藝潮博覽會,香港逸蘭銅鑼灣洒店  ⬧ 「活。彩」六人畫展, 香港視覺藝術中心  ⬧ 唯美畫會韋勁敏師生畫展, 大會堂低座  ⬧ 聖像畫探秘慶節, 艾斯德爾修女與香港學員聖像畫書,靈光天地有幸得艾斯德爾修女的支持,聯繫英國百福省之和平之后特維修道院和英國聖像畫協會,三個機構聯手合作出版  2020  ⬧ 新藝潮 +VE/-VE 畫展,觀塘一新展覽館  ⬧ 「彩墨印象」,四維水彩墨會員作品展,香港大會堂高座  2019  ⬧ 第三屆新藝潮博覽會,元創方,香港  ⬧ Sister Esther 師生聖像畫展,香港聖母聖衣天主教堂  2018  ⬧ 利美畫苑師生展, 香港中央圖書館  2017  ⬧ 「心彩墨」,四維水彩墨會員作品展,四維彩墨畫會成立15周年會員畫展,W酒店  2015  ⬧ 「水墨彩」,四維水彩墨會員作品展,香港大會堂高座  2014  ⬧ 翰緣雅集師生展,香港文化中心  2011  ⬧ 翰緣雅集師生展,香港文化中心  2008  ⬧ 荃灣葵青居民聯會書畫班作品展, 香港荃灣大會堂  2024  ⬧ The 9th Art Exhibition of White Box Friends Art Exhibition, JCCAC, Hong Kong  ⬧ Artwork Exhibition for the 22nd Anniversary of The 4-D Art Club, Lower Block City Hall Hong Kong  ⬧ The Hong Kong Artists Association Members Exhibition, Central Library Exhibition Halls, Hong Kong  ⬧ Convergence and Divergence Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Centre  ⬧ 42nd Annual Exhibition of the Hong Kong Art Researching Association, Hong Kong City Hall Lower Block  ⬧ Beauty of Art Club Members Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Centre  ⬧ Group Exhibition, Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong  ⬧ Bread of Life (4th Series) – Famous Christians Artists Invitation Art Exhibition  ⬧ The 24th Annual Exhibition of the Art Sense Club, Hong Kong Cultural Centre  2023  ⬧ Symphony – The 8th Art Exhibition of White Box Friends Art Exhibition, JCCAC, Hong Kong  ⬧ Singapore and Hong Kong Joint Exhibition of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 2023, Chui Huay Lim Club Exhibition Hall, Singapore  ⬧ Harmontree Art Works Exchange Exhibition, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Totonto, Dr. Him Shiu Hung, Art Gallery, Canada  ⬧ Christians Ecumenical Art Invitation Exhibition 2023  ⬧ Encountering Rainbow in Chinese and Western Districts Invitation Exhibition  ⬧ Bread of Life (3rd Series) – Famous Christians Artists Invitation Art Exhibition  ⬧ 41st Annual Exhibition of the Hong Kong Art Researching Association, Hong Kong City Hall Lower Block  ⬧ International Culture, Tourism & Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Hong Kong AsiaWorld Expo  ⬧ The General Association of Xiamen (H.K.) Ltd. Invitation Exhibition, Hong Kong Central Library Exhibition Halls  ⬧ Asia Invitation Art Exhibition in Seoul Korea 2023  ⬧ The 23rd Annual Exhibition of the Art Sense Club, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong  ⬧ “Love Message” Exhibition, Beyond Cafe and Bar, Hong Kong  2022  ⬧ Feast Days Icons Exhibition, Beyond Cafe and Bar, Hong Kong  ⬧ Classics Reinvented, JCCAC Art Festival 2022 Featured Exhibition, Hong Kong  ⬧ Beauty of Art Club Members Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong  ⬧ The 29th Tsuen Wan Art Festival Exhibition and Workshop, Tsuen Wan City Hall Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong  ⬧ Attainments – Artwork Exhibition for the 20th Anniversary of The 4-D Art Club, Lower Block City Hall Hong Kong  ⬧ 2022 Seoul International Art Festival Invitation Exhibition Maru Art Centre, Seoul, Korea  ⬧ Hong Kong Art Researching Association Exhibition, Central Library Exhibition Halls, Hong Kong  ⬧ Symphony – The 7th Art Exhibition of White Box Friends, JCCAC, Hong Kong  ⬧ Bread Of Life (2nd Series) – Famous Christians Invitation Art Exhibition, The Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong  ⬧ Human Realm Art Exhibition, Viafarini, Milan, Italy  ⬧ Asia Invitation Art Exhibition in Seoul 2022, Korea  ⬧ Art Next Auspicious Chinese New Year Invitation Exhibition, Art Next Gallery, Hong Kong  ⬧ Encountering – Chinese And Western Painting Exhibition Invitation, Hong Kong City Hall Lower Block Exhibition Hall  2021  ⬧ Elizabeth Pang Solo Charity Exhibition – Salt and Light, Beyond Coffee and Bar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong,  ⬧ Korea China Japan Culture Cooperation Art Festival 2021, Seoul Korea  ⬧ 2021 Art Next Expo, Lanson Place Causeway Bay, Hong Kong  ⬧ Vitality 。Vibrancy, The Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong  ⬧ Wai Mei Wai Keman Teacher and Students joint exhibition, City Hall, Hong Kong  ⬧ "Exploring Icons with HK Students - Feast Days" Icon painting, book published by Bon Fire World, Our Lady of Peace Turvey Abbey, Bedfordshire and British Association of Iconograph  2020  ⬧ Art Next +VE/-VE Exhibition, SML Tower, Hong Kong and on internet for one year  ⬧ Evocation ~ creating an image Exhibition by the 4-D Art Club, City Hall, Hong Kong  2019  ⬧ 2019 Art Next Expo, PMQ, Hong Kong  ⬧ Exhibition of the Exploring Icons with HK students and Sister Esther, OSB, Our Lady of Carmel Catholic Church  2018  ⬧ Lei Mei Art Club Exhibition, Central Library, Hong Kong  2017  ⬧ Splashing Colours from our Hearts, The 15th Anniversary of the 4-D Art Club, W Hotel, Hong Kong  2015  ⬧ Fusion Extravaganza - 4D Art Club, City Hall, Hong Kong  2014  ⬧ The Exhibition of Linking Art Association, Cultural Centre, HK  2011  ⬧ The Exhibition of Linking Art Association, Cultural Centre, HK  2008  ⬧ Tsuen Wan Kwai Tsing Joint Exhibition, City Hall Tsuen Wan, HK

Artist's Works

Mother of God, Our Lady of Vladimir


Private Collection

Icon 蛋彩聖像畫

On Plastered Wooden Board

Life Stories (10)

點滴人生 (10)

Ink & Colour

On Paper

Shining Days (36)


Acrylic 塑膠彩

On Canvas

Shining Days (37)



On Canvas


Pandermic Chaos

Ink & Colour

On Paper

Life Stories (25)

點滴人生 (25)

Ink & Colour

On Paper

Salt and Light (1)

鹽和光 (1)

Ink & Colour

On Paper

One World One Heart


Ink & Colour

On Paper

Shining Days (39)



On Canvas

Tree Ring Flower 2

樹輪花 2

Ink & Colour

On Paper



Ink & Colour

On Paper

Shining Days (40)



On Canvas

©Beyond Arts 2024
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