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Keman Wai
Hong Kong / China
Ink and Colour Painting / Acrylic & Oil Painting / Calligraphy
韋勁敏,中國美術家協會會員, 香港美協秘書長。現為香港文化藝術交流協會主席、香港水彩畫研究會副會長、中國畫學會香港常務理事、中國石齊藝術研究會副會長、亞洲畫家聯合會常務副主席。
作品入選第九屆、第十一屆及第十二屆全國美術作品展覽、 第二屆李劍晨獎水彩畫雙年展、 香港藝術雙年展、 全球水墨畫大展, 獲中華魂全國書畫藝術大展優秀獎、 廣西壯族自治區美術作品展優秀獎、 首屆廣州 國際水彩藝術展優秀獎、 當代國際書法精品展優秀獎、 首屆桂港澳臺書畫名家作品展金獎。
Member of China Artists Association
Secretary-General of Hong Kong Art Association
Chairman of Hong Kong Culture and Art Exchange Association
Vice-Chairman of Hong King Watercolour Research Society
Executive Director of Chinese Painting Society (Hong Kong)
Vice-Chairman of Shi Qi Art Research Association
Vice-Chairman of Asian Union of Painters and Artists
His recent exhibitions include the 9th, 11th & 12th China National Art Exhibition, the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial and the Li Jian Chen Watercolour Biennial Exhibition. He received the Excellence Award at the Chinese Soul National Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition, the Outstanding Award at Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Fine Arts Exhibition, the Excellence Award at the 1st Guangzhou International Watercolour Art Exhibition and the Gold Award at Guilin, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan 1st Joint Exhibition of Masterpieces of Painting & Calligraphy.