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Article Number :
Salt and Light (1)
鹽和光 (1)
Elizabeth Pang

Ink & Colour
On Paper
83 x 50 cm
HK$ 20,000
Delivery Exclusive
Sound Tour

This painting was selected as a finalist in 2021 Art Next Expo
【鹽和光】系列是表達我們要作世上的鹽和光。鹽可增添食物的味道, 又可作淨化劑及防腐劑,寓意我們要幫助、關懷和服務他人。而光是代表智慧、警醒和知識,是天主的光榮。作為基督徒,我們要讓天主的光照射,不單在物質上幫助有需要的人,更要讓他們在心靈上找到平安,讓生命影响生命,令世界變得更美好,實現天國的臨在。 在這次【鹽和光】鹽和光系列的展覽中,作者希望用一個藝術的手法去探討鹽、光和生命的連繫,希望讀者反思及發掘自己如何去做鹽去做光。這幅作品是鹽和光系列九幅畫作中第一幅,也是這系列的開端篇,畫家貫徹她以樹輪作為紀錄人生標記的風格,用藝術手法來勾畫出作為鹽是人生重要的一部分。光是天主的光榮,靜君以燦爛的金色光芒來表達天主的至善至聖,畫中的金光安排從上到下而不間斷,正正表達天主的愛是永恆不息;反觀,在畫中鹽的表達是斷斷續續、時大時細、時亮時暗、正正要反映人在服務他人的時候,總是有所保留有所不足,鹽自己不會發亮而只是反射天主的光芒,天主的光讓鹽在混濁的黑暗中光亮,突顯出天主的光輝。
Elizabeth recently created this “Salt and Light" series. Jesus asked us to be the salt and light of this world. Salt adds flavor to food, and it is also a purifier and preservative, implying that we need to help, care and serve others. Light represents wisdom, vigilance, knowledge and the glory of God. As Christians, we must share the light of God, not only by helping those in need materially, but also by helping them find peace in their souls. Let love inspire life, to make the world a better place and to live up to the presence of heaven. In this exhibition, Elizabeth wishes to use an artistic technique to explore the connection between salt, light and life, and hopes that viewers can discover how to be salt and light themselves. This artwork is the first of nine paintings in the salt and light series and it is also the beginning of this series. Elizabeth's style of art resonates tree rings which records the years of the lives of trees and outlines that being salt is an important part of her life. Light represents the glory of God and she expresses God's holy light with a brilliant golden. On the painting, light is arranged from top to bottom without any interruption which exactly the eternal love of God. On the other hand, the expression of salt is intimate and comes in different sizes, bright or dimmed which exactly reflects that when people serve others they always have reservations and deficiencies. Salt does not shine but only reflects the light hence the bright salt highlights the brilliance of God.
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