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Article Number :
Mother of God, Our Lady of Vladimir
Elizabeth Pang

Icon 蛋彩聖像畫
On Plastered Wooden Board
30 x 23 cm
Not For Sale
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Private Collection
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靜君是一名醉心藝術的基督徒,她嘗試製作宗教藝術作品,有幸跟隨英國斯德爾修女學習聖像畫創作,并參與聖像畫展覽。現在是「英國聖像畫會」會員 及「聖像畫研習社(HK)」榮譽會員。
Elizabeth is a Christian who is obsessed with art. She tries to make religious art works. She learnt icon painting creation from Sister Seder and has participated in icon painting exhibitions. She is currently a member of the British Icon Painting Society and an honorary member of the Icon Painting Study Society (HK).
Icon painting is not only a two-dimensional work of art, but also a part of religious ritual. Ans also, this is another way of spiritual practice. When a person enters this realm, his various senses, such as sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, will be attracted by nature. When placed in this sacred environment, the whole person will be fascinated. Attract, and unconsciously draw closer to God. In addition, the writer will not create his own colors when writing icon paintings. Everything must follow the original manuscript. Moreover, the colors of icon paintings themselves have some basic meanings and symbols in tradition.
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