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Beyond Art & Lifestyle 是一個讓藝術家展示、出售其藝術創作及交流的平台,也是藝術愛好者收集心頭愛的地方。
Beyond Art & Lifestyle is a platform for artists to display, sell and communicate their artistic creations. It is also a place for art lovers to collect their favorite items.

Johnson, who used to work in a technology company, resolutely gave up his job a few years ago and decided to leave his comfort zone and open a coffee shop. He names it「度」 (Degree) in Chinese, and "Degree" means temperature, depth, and magnanimity...". As it is the case with coffee, so are people. In English, he names it "Beyond" taking meaning of transcendence. The store is located in Yiu Wah Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Johnson hopes to work with the neighbourhood and they will turn Yiu Wah Street into a place for foods, coffee and arts.
Open space for artists to hold exhibitions 開放空間予藝術家辦展覽
"Beyond Coffee & Bar" is a place where dreams come true. In addition to Johnson's own dream, he also hopes to use this space to gather friends who have dreams in artistic fields, so he opens the space to artists who want to hold exhibitions, and allows performers to use the venue for performance. Arts are not limited to any form, and either professional or amateur, as long as the artists with passions are welcomed."When you have dreams, you will have enthusiasm and bring positive energy to other people, I hope it can bring some comfort to fellow."……Johnson said.
Johnson said: "Do you also have an unfulfilled artistic dream? Welcome enthusiastic friends to come to Yaohua Street to find me! Standing in front of your dreams, you will also become dazzling. May your dreams come true."
「度Beyond Coffee & Bar」是一個實現夢想的地方。這裡除了是Johnson自己的夢想,他亦希望透過這個空間,匯聚一些對文化藝術界別有夢想的朋友,所以他開放店內空間予希望舉辦展覽的藝術家,或讓一些音樂人借場地作表演「舞台」。藝術不限任何形式,不限專業或業餘,而是以藝術的熱誠去感動人。他說:「因為有夢想,才會有熱誠,就會帶來正能量…希望能帶給同路人一點安慰。」
Events 活動
過去三年,在「度 Beyond Coffee & Bar」共舉辦了 次活動,包括畫作展覽、相片展覽、小型音樂會、工作坊、宗教畫展、咖啡節...等,部份活動是為慈善團體籌募經費。參加者包括著名及新晉藝術家,攝影師、音樂創作者...更包括展能藝術家及慈善機構受惠者。其服務是惠及社群。
Over the past three years, "Beyond Coffee & Bar" has hosted a total of events, including painting and photo exhibitions, mini concerts, workshops, religious art exhibitions, and coffee festivals. Some of these events were held to raise funds for charity groups. Participants included both established and new artists, photographers, music creators, as well as artists with disabilities and beneficiaries of charity organizations. The services provided by "Beyond Coffee & Bar" aim to benefit the community.
Coming Soon

Selected Artists
Beyond Arts and Lifestyle is a place where dreams come true. We open the space to artists who want to hold exhibitions, performances... Arts pieces are not limited to any form, professional or amateur, as long as the artists with passions are welcomed.
Let's hand in hand to make your dreams come true."
Beyond Arts & Lifestyle 是一個實現夢想的地方。我們開放空間予抱有熱誠的藝術家舉辦展覽、表演...。藝術不限任何形式,不限專業或業餘,而是要以藝術去感動人。